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Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) has the mandate to issue ESP permits allowing the transportation of feacal sludge in Kampala metropolitan area.

It provides capacity building support and has done much in formalizing the companies working under the Association.

It furthermore provides financial support for the rent of ACTOU offices.


National Water and Sewage Corporation (NWSC) is a long time partner that provides support to the Association in parking of our trucks, linking ACTOU to relevant stakeholders, managing dumping sites, marketing the emptying services and mobilizing members for the Association.
National water and sewage corporation – This is a long time partner which provides:

Parking of trucks, Opportunities linking, Dumping sites, Marketing, Mobilization of members.



GIZ’s support has been instrumental in writing and preparing ACTOU’s five-year Strategic Plan 2022-2026. In the past, it has supported the Association with training members on the formalization of companies and strengthening the institutional capacity of ACTOU through capacity building and technical support. It has also linked ACTOU with potential development partners.



NEMA as a body responsible for environmental management in Uganda collaborates with ACTOU in providing licenses to Cesspool emptiers. Both parties agree to work together in promoting safe disposal of the faecal sludge in an environmentally friendly manner. For a Cesspool emptier to be awarded an operational license, it should prove to be a member of ACTOU. NEMA supports the enforcing of the regulations by providing environmental police to ACTOU where needed.



The Ministry of Water and Environment through The Directorate of Water Resources Management (DWRM) regulates industrial effluents and the disposal of feacal matter into the water bodies in the country. Further, through the Sanitation Unit, the ministry oversees activities of sanitation and hygiene promotion across the country including the disposal and reuse of Faecal Sludge. The Unit works with other line Ministries (MOH and MoES).